eHealthInsurance Small Business Group
provides health insurance brokerage services online. They have three
major audience groups: Seniors, Individual/Family and Small Business.
eHI came to Imagesmith
wanting to focus just in the Small Business division, as this was
their main focus for long term success and sales increases.
Small Business Group division (SBG) required an assessment and revision
of their existing user flow, a redesign of the entire site for improved
usability, increased registration process completion rates, and
aesthetic enhancements to the information design and layout of the
section. The aesthetic redesign and HTML code would then be reused
throughout the site.
A team
of Imagesmith staff and contractors worked on this project for about
three months, from mid-August through November 2000. I was the Information
Architect, Chip Street (now part of Group
of People) was Account Manager, Susan Down Project Manager,
Erik Watts contract Designer,
and Novak Rogic (now also part of Group of People) HTML Producer.
eHI team was comprised of two senior-level product managing individualsour
main contact and her colleague. We also had audiences of several
VPs and other product managers (for the other divisions, Senior
and Individual/Families) for some presentations.
project was very exciting and wonderfully effecient throughout because
our client decision-makers were very Web-savvy and well organized.
This meant that there was little educating to do, decisions were
made quickly, and compromises accepted smoothly. At least within
the closer-knit team.
SBG application is a tool to allow customers to come to the site,
and after providing information and answers to multiple form fields,
presents them with a broad array of insurance plans to compare and
choose from. We began the project with a usability audit of the
existing SBG application flow. This gives the project team a better
understanding of the scope of the project, and it usually allows
the client to become more sensitive to usability issuesand
more of a champion for usability throughout the project. eHI had
also created a proposed revision to their existing flow, which I
compared and mapped out for them. This map accompanied the audit
and presentation.

- The
image above shows both SBG flows. The one on top is the existing
flow, the bottom is their proposed version.
- The
grey lines from one flow to another help provide reference points
for matching steps.
- The
grey boxes to the left, at the beginning of the flows, are matching
intro pages, such as login and welcome (login pages are important
steps in a user experience, and can be a major point of frustration
if designed poorly).
- The
green and blue pages are interactive, requiring the customer to
input information or make selections to move forward.
- The
yellow and orange pages are informational or overview pages.
presenting these comparisons, the eHI team quickly realized that
their goal of making the experience simpler and quicker wasn't being
accomplished with their proposed flow. To give them credit, though,
their proposed flow did a lot more than the existing, and for some
actions would streamline parts of the process. After
presenting to the team and larger group of VPs and product managers
at eHI, we moved forward in rebuilding the SBG flow, and beginning
the redesign of the site.
project diverged from my normal process in that I didn't provide
wire frames to the designer to build to. Instead, we met together
very early in the project (this is always a good thing, regardless
of deliverables, as it brings together diverse thinkers and roles
on the team and can typically result in much more robust solutions
for the client) so I could discuss what I needed in regards to information
and layout. I provided Erik Watts with an ingredients list (a list
of the elements on a pagethe things that make it up) for the
eHI home page and for the SBG landing page. From this, a sketch
I made, and a discusssion with him of my vision for the metaphor
for the site, he produced a wire frame which I then rebuilt in PageMaker
to develop the paper prototype.
List Sample (PDF 8K)

- The
above sample shows a refined version of Erik's work, but essentially
the quality and elements on this page were the same as his initial
work done after our discussion.
- From
these he began to build out content page designs, which further
influenced my prototype work, and of course my usability assessments
refined his work.
(Or Not) and The Interface
has been said about the use of metaphor in web development. The
need to use something familiar so the user can, hopefully, accomplish
tasks more easily. Of course many fail, making the interface even
more confusing, stripping out expected functionality or hiding it
behind silly and confusing interactive 'elements.'
business models (should I qualify, even this late in the recession,
that I mean successful business models?) that have worked online
come from successful offline businesses, which means there are models
to follow in building an online experience. Erik Perotti, the VP
of development at Imagesmith, always recommends interviewing people
on how they accomplish tasks offline before walking them through
an online representation of that experience or task (usually right
before user testing).
this business case, people have been buying health insurance from
brokers for decades, if not centuries. eHI is enhancing this experience
by providing consolidated and consistent presentation of insurance
carriers' plans, policies and prices.
a side note, eHI has exceptional offline customer service as wellwhile
I was walking through the existing experience for the usability
audit, I received a call less than 24 hours after completing the
first phase of the process, asking if I had any questions about
the plan I chose. This was from an experienced broker in their call
many on the team at Imagesmith had experience in health and insurance,
so we could draw on these while developing. We
defined a metaphor that this site was acting as a broker, so it
should present itself as a broker would: helpful, informative; someone
to assist you in getting through this confusing and complicated
decided to incorporate a 'checklist' of the steps in the process,
as well as a list of things a customer will need. The process of
looking for insurance is a relatively linear one, as you can tell
from the application flow. We provided a list of the steps to the
left, which doubled as navigationin this case, though, it
was linear, in that if a customer went back several steps, they
had to walk though each proceeding step againthey did not
have to retype information though! We greyed out future steps and
in user testing we found this accomplished the purpose of informing
the customer that they could not get to those pages yet.
elements to point out are the access to online chat, email and an
800 number. The Quick Answers element in the lower left was a contextual
question (or multiple questions) we placed on pages. This was, in
the context of the metaphor, much like the explanations a broker
would provide while a customer is filling out formsinformation
to help you feel you are being supported. These were placed in the
left-hand column, so as not to distract from the main purpose of
each page.
also designed a relational database interface for online help, which
provided context for the question asked and additional support for
word definitions and related FAQs. This was sketched out, but never
formally designeda piece we thought up, but that was out of
scope to fully develop. This was also in support of the metaphor
of a helpful broker providing answers to myriad but related questions
("What kinds of insurance can I get?" "What is a
PPO?" "Then what's a Preferred Provider?"
Prototype & User Testing
Erik's work I built a paper prototype in PageMaker. This was initially
used to visualize the flow the team had been working on for weeks.
In order to save time, I pasted in screen shots from the existing
HTML. Because we were moving so quickly with revisions (reviewing
with internal staff at Imagesmith as well as with the client's team)
the prototype had to be easily editable. PageMaker was a good choice
for this particular project, using a master page for repeated objects.
Building in paper allowed for quick revisions, more so than in HTML.
A paper
prototype is a great tool for user testing, since the person leading
the testing can flex and respond to a user's request (perhaps to
see a page that isn't built yet). The leader can simply describe
what would be on a page, instead of the tester getting a 404 error,
or nothing at all.

samples pages from the paper prototype (PDF 112K)
paper prototype was used for our first round of user testing. We
had the opportunity to find small business owners and HR personnel
in small companies to use as testers. The results helped us substantially
in the development of the interface and flow. It also helped resolve
some sticky issues we came up against in regards to disclosure of
information (not legal issues, rather user's comfort level with
providing specific details instead of more general details).
production moved forward, with some great work being done by Novak
Rogic. He provided great insight into how to use Cascading StyleSheets
(CSS) and other technologies to provide a smoother, more consistent
experience to the user. By involving him early in the process (and,
honestly, we should have involved him even earlier than we did!)
we were able to enhance our successful flow and interface with successful

GoalsAnd Groups
for the whole team, the company had a very heavy engineering focus,
and in order to advance their own business relationships, the interface
redesign was put aside. Without money to burn (they are a smart
company) and with the completion of our contract in delivering HTML,
architectural documentation and design guidelines, our work was
some of our flow work has been incorporated, our main contact (and
the champion for our work within the company) soon left and our
work has really become more of a great experience and opportunity
for learning. It is a great example of disparate groups in a company
having unbalanced control andeven more sobusiness timelines
forcing good work to move aside for other goals and needs.