ORARIAN \ Teaching  







My teaching formally began in November 2000 with my first guest lectures. I have always wanted to teach, and now with my professional experience in Information Architecture, I am able to share that knowledge in the classroom. I am teaching a professional development survey course in IA through UCSC Extension and a semester-long course through Cabrillo College. I have completed my Masters degree from the School of Library and Information Science at San Jose State.

Teaching Experience:  
November 16th 2004 Guest lecture for Fancine Van Meter at Cabrillo College. Here's the lecture file on Information Architecture for Web Development (PDF, 140K).
March 16th 2004 Guest lecture for Wendy Norris at Cabrillo College. Here's the lecture file on Information Architecture for Web Development (PPT, 100K).
October 21st 2003 Guest lecture with Jeff English (my manager at PeopleSoft) for SJSU Human Factors graduate program class for Dr. Tony Andre. Here's the lecture file on User-Centered Design process at PeopleSoft (PPT, 380K).
May 6th 2003 Two Guest lectures at Cabrillo College for John Govsky. Please check out my Spring 2003 lecture notes.
April 10th 2003 Guest lecture at Cabrillo College for Randie Lewis's DM 158 Production course. Please check out my Spring 2003 lecture notes.
March 19th 2003 Guest lecture at Cabrillo College for Wendy Norris. Please check out my Spring 2003 lecture notes.
January 6th 2003 Teaching DM166 Spring course: Introduction to Information Architecture at Cabrillo Community College.
January 6th 2003 Received curriculum development grant to develop an online version of my Information Architecture course. To be taught in Fall 2003.
November 19th 2002 Three guest lectures on IA at Cabrillo College for John Govsky's HTML & Web Graphics classes. You can view the lecture notes.
Fall 2002 Teaching DM166 Fall course: Introduction to Information Architecture at Cabrillo Community College.
April 17th 2002 Guest lecture for Beth Regardz's Portfolio class at Cabrillo College. Presentation handout is available in PDF.
February 14th 2002 Guest lecture for Patrick McKercher's UCSC Internet Writing class. Here is a PDF of the presentation handout.
November 20th 2001 Two guest lectures on IA at Cabrillo College for Wendy Norris's Flash classes. You can view the lecture notes.
November 2001

Teaching for UCSC Extension. Another survey/intro to IA for Web development class. It's a three-day course I co-teach with Mike Barnes.

Fall 2001

Teaching DM166 Fall course at Cabrillo College. For more course details see my Cabrillo DM166 Fall 2001 Course Page.

July 16th 2001

Guest lecture on Information Architecture for Laura Hartwick's Summer Web development course at Cabrillo College.

May 17th 2001

I spoke on a panel of Web & multimedia professionals for the "Liberal Arts Connection," a group of career counselors from UC Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz, Hayward, Stanford, and other local universities. All of us were UCSC graduates, and we've all moved into tech work: consultant, tech writer, (database) taxonomist, and information architect.

April 18th and 26th 2001

Four guest lectures on Information Architecture at Cabrillo College. Mike Barnes and I finished up lectures this week and last for four more of Wendy Norris' classes„Dreamweaver and Flash again. You can check out our lecture notes.

February 21st 2001

I spoke on a panel of professionals at the Santa Cruz Technology Symposium and Exhibition discussing career paths for various positions in the Internet industry.

November 21st and 22nd 2000 Two guest lectures on IA at Cabrillo College. Mike Barnes and I finished up our lectures for the semester with two more of Wendy Norris' classes„this time Flash.
November 2nd 2000 Guest lecture with Mike Barnes for Wendy Norris' Cabrillo College Web Development class.


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